Monday, July 26, 2010

Kaya Kalpa Yoga


Yoga is a science of life to develop the sixth sense to its fullness and to enable and equip man to enjoy peaceful and blissful life. It is essentially an art of understanding all about the soul, which is only the life-force and realizing its relationship with the body, the society, the world and the Universe, maintaining its harmony and finally getting it merged with the Universal soul.

In other words, Yoga is a systematic psychic practice to improve awareness, to develop will-power and to realize the Self to metamorphose the character so that it can be in tune with the Self and the Society and to put an end to the birth-cycle by merging with the Almighty.

Yoga is a complete process of perfection of man by developing his personality so that he may reach his ultimate goal, thereby fulfilling the purpose of his birth. In simplest form, Yoga means a system of life best-suited for man to be in harmonious communion with Nature.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is a systematic and integrated practice for body and mind and its thrust is to make a man creative. By a new method, which is wholly safe, one can get the kundalini power aroused in minutes. Hence this method is called the Simplified Kundalini Yoga. Kaya Kalpa is the culmination of Kundalini Yoga and its objective is to enable the practitioner to postpone the aging process and death

Kaya Kalpa Yoga

The term KAYA means "body" and KALPA means "Immortal" "KAYA KALPA" is a wonderful technique of the SIDDHAS of South India and has a threefold objective.

a. Withstanding the aging process.
b. Maintaining youthfulness and physical health.
c. Postponing death until one reaches spiritual perfection.

Ever since man started getting illness, he began to discover the causes for illness. The prevention of illness thus came to be added in the evolution of culture. Even while he was enjoying pleasures and suffering from pains through his five senses, he began to understand the perfect functional order of Nature
i.e. the principle of cause and effect through his sixth sense.

In his efforts to cure and prevent illness he further thought of avoidance or postponement of death. By continues search and research for generations, men found several methods, of rejuvenation his physical body with foods, medicines, herbs, and exercises and austerities. Each method showed a certain effect and some systems are still being practiced in some parts of the world. Yet a perfect system has not been evolved to suit all sections of people of all countries, climates and ecological conditions.

So, centuries before Christ, Lord Buddha renounced his crown in search of the root cause of sufferings and questioned the scholars of the day about the reasons for diseases, old age and death. Intellectuals of the day could not answer these questions. These remained unanswered for hundreds of years, but the
urge and the search was on.

Success came though some alchemists of South India called "Siddhas" between theirs tenth and fifteenth centuries. They actually lived as long as they wished and after death their bodies were impervious to decay and disintegration. Twenty of them actually demonstrated their longevity to the people and showed that their bodies did not decay after death. Their findings were however, deliberately kept hidden in obscures language, in so many bits and pieces in their writings, in the form of Tamil poems. Although these poems are descriptively simple, even great scholars have been unable to decipher the real meaning.

YOGIRAJ VETHATHIRI MAHARISHI had occasions to go through the literature of the Siddhas, even at his teenage, in the course of his study, he learned of several herbs and medicines to cure diseases. Interspersed in the 'Siddhas' teachings were indications about the process of KAYA KALPA. However they were in puzzles to which there seemed to be no key.

Meanwhile, he studied medicine and got diplomas in Ayurveda, Siddha and Homeopathy. To the limited extent he could understand the meaning of the Siddha scriptures; he began practicing exercises for rejuvenation, general health and spiritual enlightenment.

Many years later after Maharishi had attained self-realization through Kundalini Yoga, he happened to study the same Siddha texts. What a wonder! Everything was now clear about Kaya Kalpa with its science and practical exercises. Initially he taught these exercises to some close friends and found that they got immense benefits.

Now he is teaching this wonderful process to thousands of people every year both in India and abroad. The practitioners have obtained immense benefits not only to physical strength and vitality, but also in terms of cure for some longstanding ailments.

Further more Kaya kalpa gives significant spiritual benefit. The sexual energy is transmuted into spiritual energy, by directing it to the "Crown Chakras". The enlightenment of Consciousness, which is the purpose of birth, is gradually achieved. The temperamental moods developed in man's personality will be naturally sublimated into spiritual awareness and morality for the welfare and happiness of all.

Practice of Kaya Kalpa involves two main exercises.

1. Toning up of the nervous system to withstand the aging process and
2."OJAS breath" -- to recycle the sexual vital fluid to rejuvenate the body and postpone death. The two exercises are very simple to learn and practice. These hardly take five minutes in the morning and the evening.

The Course is taught in one session of three hours, in the first part the science of body chemistry and its functions are explained in detail, in the second part the practical exercises are personally taught so that the student becomes well acquainted with their sequential order and duration. As this practice is a restructuring process of the body in a natural way to medicines or herbs are involved. Significant results will soon be notified if moderation in food, work, rest, sex and use of thought force is observed.

Any person after physical maturity is eligible to learn and practice Kaya Kalpa without previous experience in meditation or spiritual practices. Also this may be done in conjunction with any other spiritual practices or physical exercises.

Maharishi will personally teach this to anyone who takes a pledge not to teach to any other person without prior permission from him.

Benefits of Kaya Kalpa Practice

1. Sexual vital fluid becomes thickened and the stock is increased so that the life-force and bio-magnetism are sufficiently maintained in the body. It strengthens and rejuvenates the body. It will help to cure and prevent diseases and relieved the practitioner of the troubles of old age. 'Sexual Potency' is enhanced but craving is brought within control.
2. Monks, nuns and those who remain celibate will be greatly benefited, since sexual excitement would not occur quickly, through recycling of the sexual vital fluid and absorption of it in the body.
3. Sexual energy is transmitted into spiritual energy - developing and strengthening spiritual awareness.
4. Kaya Kalpa practice improves character and personality. There will be genetic improvement for healthier and more intelligent progeny.
5. Conception can be controlled at will when either of the partners has become successful in the practice over sufficient period of time.

Kaya Kalpa is a precious gift of mankind. This practice helps one to maintain physical and mental health, further spiritual development and rejuvenates the physical system to withstand the agreeing process. The practice will help all people regardless of sex, race, religion or creed, to enjoy a happy and satisfactory life.

Having said all these – you are only supposed to learn this from authorised Master of Kaya Kalpa – otherwise it may lead to some reverse effect.

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