Sunday, July 25, 2010

Group Discussion


GD basically means searching your team player, leadership, communication capability.

• Always be the initiator and concluder of the GD than being a participant
• But if you are participant always try to be the most vital/key participant
• Put points firmly and always try to get others support too
• If you find that the discussion is going off track then never lose an opportunity to bring it back to stream this is the best point to score max
• Try to keep latest information on the topic
• Be very polite, people may try to provoke you to get more points but try to keep cool
• Most important don't wait for your turn to speak when discussion is on. Interrupt politely if you want to put forward your points.
• Last but not the least keeps a tab on the time given for discussion. Score points by wrapping up the discussion f you feel that the discussion is heating but the time is going to be over.
• During conclusion, do end with the conclusion note. That shows your leadership quality.

Best scoring points are: -
1. Initiation of discussion
2. always keeping/trying to keep discussion on track.
3. Conclusion on time.
4. Your capability to keep your cool and listen as well as putting your points.


• Everybody jumping into software field - is it good or bad
• "Whether impact of western culture on Indian culture is a boon or a bane".
• Is internet suitable for Youngsters?
• Advantages and disadvantages of Internet
• What Should India do to win a gold medal in the Olympics?
• Will India need a Dictatorship / Democratic rule now?
• Betting in cricket should legalize or not.
• Is it necessary to ban COCOCOLA in India
• Are studies more beneficial in India or in Abroad
• should GD be a part of selection process r not
• "UN's peace activities
• Who is responsible for the protection of the environment
• Values in an IT Industry
• What should be the retirement age of politicians
• Is China a threat to the Indian software industry
• Position of Women in India compared to other nations
• Govt contribution to IT
• Pre-marital sex
• Water resources should be nationalized
• If both husband and wife are working in the same organisation coordination between educational institutions and companies.
• Linux Vs Microsoft. Which will perish?
• Do u think Indian IT people are overpaid?
• Effect of cinema on Youth
• Present state of Indian Cricket team
• Love marriage/Arranged marriage
• Advantages of Co-education
• How to deal with international terrorism
• Is peace and non-violence outdated concepts?
• Foreign Television Channels are destroying our culture
• Beauty contests degrade womanhood
• Should the public sector be privatised?
• China and India are similar nations with contrasting ways
• Value based politics is the need of the hour
• Is India a Soft Nation?
• How to deal with high oil prices
• Should there be private universities?
• Do banning fashion shows and New Year parties save our culture?
• Bride burning and dowry may look bad, but are an integral part of India
• We are not serious about saving Wildlife/Environment
• The education system needs serious reforms
• Showing Violence and Crimes should not be allowed in films and on television
• Let us legalise gambling
• Is management an art or a science?
• Ethics in Business are just a passing fashion
• Do professional managers have a chance in our family run businesses?
• The Internet is an exercise in hype
• Family owned business v/s professionally run businesses
• Marriage is a social trap
• If I was the Finance Minister/Prime Minister
• There is no right way to do a wrong thing
• Do Beauty and Brains Go Together?
• Just as we have smoke free zones, we should have child free zones
• Developing countries need trade, not aid.
• Flexibility of labour laws is the key to attracting more Foreign Direct Investment
• Reserving seats for women in Democracy
• Have the nuclear tests of 1998 benefited or harmed India?
• The voters are required to be well informed and educated about their candidates so that they can elect the right aspirant by their own assessment.
• India should go for the presidential form of democracy.
• In our economic matters, there is an excessive tendency towards the thinking rather than doing
• Every cloud has a silver lining
• Can the economy achieve an 8 percent growth rate?
• Are co-operatives relevant in today's globalised environment?
• Foreign aid is a dangerous drug that can stimulate in small doses but become fatally addictive in larger doses.
• Government should clean its own hands before pointing finger at the private sector for corruption
• Globalisation versus nationalism
• If India is poorly governed, the reason is that we have designed our system of governance for protecting, if not encouraging, corruption?
• Commercialisation of health care: Good or Bad?
• Markets left to themselves encourage greed
• Should businessmen run the finance ministry
• Should important services like transport be left to market forces?
• Is there any point in having a business strategy when the world changes from month to month?
• Government pumping money into the economy is not the solution for our economic problems
• Is the budgeting exercise of any use?
• Should agricultural subsidies be stopped?
• Will Mumbai's film industry ever evolve into a truly modern corporatized one?
• Why do we lag behind China?
• Who says MNCs are superior to Indian companies?
• Trade can help the poor ?
• Managerial skills learnt in the classroom can never match those learnt from experience
• Democracy is hampering India progress
• MBA in India is highly overrated
• Decreasing defence expenditure and increasing social expenditure is the need of the hour
• Economic betterment of the poorer nations is as important as disarmament to ensure lasting world peace
• Inflation is inevitable in our developing country
• For a marketing post graduate, without prior work experience working in a big marketing firm is a disadvantage when compared with working in a small firm. Discuss
• Consumerism is destroying the social fabric of Indian culture.
• Formulate the government's health policy to control the spread of AIDS.
• Advertising is a waste of resources.
• Privatization will lead to less corruption.
• State is the biggest violator of human rights.
• There can never be a classless society.
• Beauty pageants are a marketing gimmick.
• Voting rights to illiterates in India is illogical because it is widely misused.
• Joint family is a blessing in disguise.
• Higher education should be made possible only for those who can pay for it
• The weaker sex is the weakness of the stronger sex.
• Women cannot successfully combine both career and home.
• Women are good managers.
• Executive should be allowed to form unions
• Effect of liberalization on poverty
• Indians perform better as individuals rather than in groups.
• Business and ethics go hand in hand, or do they?
• Developing countries should spend more on development than on defence.
• Political parties have outlived their utility.
• Is Swadeshi relevant for India today?.
• Money is required to earn more money.
• Foreign trade is necessary for any country to survive.
• Presidential Vs Parliamentary form of government of India.
• Religion And Politics Should Not Mix.
• Excessive Depiction of Sex And Violence In Films.
• Classical Music Heritage And The Growing Pop-Culture.
• Decentralisation & the Panchayati Raj Institutions.
• Science Is A Boon Or Bane.
• India and the political dynasties: The Nehru Family context.
• Conventionalism and Modernity: The Ever going Debate.
• Marxism and Its Future All Over The World.
• The Growing Menace of Casteism and Regionalism.
• Brain-Drain Has To Be Stopped
• Are women As good as Men Or Inferior?
• Nothing Succeeds Like Success
• Should India Break Diplomatic Ties With Pakistan?
• Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished
• Tuitions Should Be Banned

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