Let me note down the questions which i faced so far:- wl discuss more in detail one by one:-
- Write code for singleton pattern/Factory Pattern
- Synchronizhation is better in method or block in this case?
- Write code to validate ip address
- write code to retrive data from vector/arraylist in perticular index
- Write code for add and retrive data from hashmap
- Internal storing and retrival of hashmap( equals and hashcode? )
- Exception hirarchy?
- How to write validater.xml if 50000 records retived has to validate
- Flow/architecture of the application currently working
- Call back function in ajax
- can we call action class from ajax
- call back is sync/ acsynch ?
- Explain concept of ENUM
- Explain How Hashmap works internally
- Different types of servlet
- What happend to transient field after deserialization
- Externalizable
- How you extract and sort a string having repeated words in it
- How the transient variable object will be restored in deserilsation?- null or default for premitives
- How marker interfaces are interpreted by JVM(serializable,clonable), as it doesn't hv any method implementation
- Why IT industry is down mainly the telecom now?
- Priority of Thread?
- How java do memory management in java?
- when servlet will call destroy()
- How to manage with session if the session size is large
- Http is sateless/how session tracking?
- Why String class is final?
- Can a class be static?
- wht is difference b/w abstract class?or why abstract class as we can do it with out abstract also?
- Explain singleton and loop holes of singleton and how to overcome
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